How to Land a Jump from a High Place | 7241


How to Land a Jump from a High Place

Jumping is an essential part of sports and fitness. Knowing how to properly land a jump can mean the difference between failure and success in a sporting competition. Knowing how to jump from a higher place doesn’t just relate to games, however. There can be life-or-death scenarios that demand you execute a proper leap. Knowing the ins and outs of proper jumping as well as keeping your body in good shape will help maximize your success with it in the future.

Consider the safety of the height. While height is just one of the factors that dictates the safety of a fall (along with falling surface and jump form) it is something you should take into consideration while you plan your jump. Falling from a height of 10 feet or more can result in serious, life-long injury or even death.[1]

  • If you participate in a sport that requires jumping from great heights, then work up to this gradually and take all of the necessary safety precautions. You should also be aware that repeatedly landing jumps from a great height can be as damaging to your spine as getting hit in the head is to your brain.
  • There have been a few recorded cases of people falling thousands of feet and surviving. Don’t use this as an example to go by, however. These are considered miraculous exceptions for a good reason.

Find a soft surface to jump down to.[2] Whether you’re jumping down for fun or in an emergency, the surface you’re landing on will have a huge effect on the landing itself. Softer surfaces are always preferable to hard ones, as they’ll help absorb some of the shock of the land.

  • Grass, sand and mud are good places to fall to. Concrete, on the other hand, is about as unforgiving as it gets.
  • Surfaces with a lot of degree can pose an extra threat. Landing onto an otherwise soft area with pine needles would result in a different (but similarly intense) sort of pain.

Wear shoes with shock absorption. If you have time to prepare for your jump, you should make sure to wear something on your feet that will help to cushion the force. If you’re aiming for a proper landing on your feet, you run the risk of hurting them without something to ease the shock. Most sports sneakers include this technology in some form.

  • Shoes with a strong grip help if there’s any risk of slipping during your fall.

Try to relax.[3] While it may seem counter-intuitive if you’re getting ready for a big jump, it is important to relax a much as you can. If you get needlessly frustrated, your joints will tense up. This increases the risk of potential injury. If you’ve got the time to spare, try looking at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself everything will be okay.

Lower yourself as much as possible.[4] There may be unfortunate occasions where you need to land a high jump in an emergency and aren’t doing it for athletic sport. If this is the case, you’ll want to be as practical as possible. Look around you, and try to see if there are any opportunities to get yourself lower to the ground.

  • Holding yourself off a ledge can get you 6 feet closer to the ground. This difference in altitude can mean a lot with regards to potential injury.[5]

Get a friend to keep watch.[6] A friend is good to have around because he can watch your jump and tell you how it looks. It goes without saying that having a friend watching over you is more helpful if he’s already got some fitness knowledge. Perhaps more importantly, the presence of someone nearby will ensure the quickest call for medical attention if you need it for whatever reason

Warm up before your jump.[7] Squats and stretches should be done in the minutes before your jump. Even if it’s not enough time to train, the act of going through a bit of a moderate workout will loosen up your joints and get your body into the proper momentum for strain.

Pinpoint the landing target. As you’re about to jump, make a point of spotting the place you would like to land. Having a specific place on the ground below you will increase your stability. If you’re only aiming for a broad area, you’re more likely to lose concentration.


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