Over the last few years, blogging has become a serious profession for many people worldwide. But, how simple is it to make money blogging?

Some professional bloggers earn considerably more than executive-level jobs on an annual basis. Blogging is now considered a mainstream profession and is developing at a rapid rate.

Some professional bloggers earn considerably more than executive-level jobs on an annual basis. Blogging is now considered a mainstream profession and is developing at a rapid rate.

1. Offer your services

It's easy to get visitors to your blog if it's informative. Charge your website visitors for your services. Many blogs have a "Work with me" section.

2. Advertisement Networks

Google Adsense is a simple way to monetize your blog. All you have to do is embed a Google script on your website and start displaying adverts.

3. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most effective ways to earn money from your site. When compared to a click on an ad, a single sale can bring in more money.

4. Sell Sponsored Blog Posts 

Sponsorships function the same way in sports, TV shows, and other fields. Basically, a corporation pays you to market their product to your readers.

5. Sell info products

If you already have a social media following or an email list, you may consider designing and selling info products. An info product includes online course or an ebook.

6. Launch your online courses

Today's technical advances have made online course creation easier. Simply embed an Learning Management System onto your website to start selling courses.

7. Conduct Paid workshops

People will see you as an expert if your blog has a significant readership. With a blog, you can host paid classes and collect registrations.

8. Start a paid community/newsletter

You may start a paid forum or send out an email newsletter. You can charge these people a monthly cost, an annual price, or a one-time fee.

9. Provide consultation services

Consultants are needed in almost every industry. Charge by the hour for the counsel you're probably already giving away for free over the phone, email, or Skype.

10. Sell templates

Customizable templates save clients time and money. Examples: business (new customer contract), health (three-month clean eating plan), and fitness (30-day training template).

AdSense is no longer the exclusive source of income for bloggers. Now is the perfect moment to experiment with one of the approaches described above if you haven't already.